약 5.5만 명의 팔로워를 보유한 Ai의 트위터. 약 9천 개의 트윗이 있습니다. Japanese singer ✌️Official site & SNS https://bio.to/AI_Link |
We believe our research will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence, a system that can solve human-level problems. Building safe and beneficial AGI is our mission. |
약 26.9만 명의 구독자를 보유한 AI의 유튜브. 약 330 개의 동영상이 있습니다. AI Official YouTube Channel |
A.I. (2001)
A.I.: Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Haley Joel Osment, Frances O'Connor, Sam Robards, Jake Thomas. A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his hu... |