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네이버 전문자료
Demystifying AI: What Digital Transformation Leaders Can Teach You about Realistic Artificial In
Recent years have seen a reemergence of interest in artificial intelligence (AI) among both managers and academics. Driven by technolo
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Reshaping Retailing
Communication-Efficient Edge AI: Algorithms and Systems
Artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved remarkable breakthroughs in a wide range of fields, ranging from speech processing, image cl
Translational AI and Deep Learning in Diagnostic Pathology.
There has been an exponential growth in the application of AI in health and in pathology. This is resulting in the innovation of deep
AI-Based Two-Stage Intrusion Detection for Software Defined IoT Networks
Software defined Internet of Things (SD-IoT) networks profit from centralized management and interactive resource sharing, which enhan
AI Methods in Algorithmic Composition: A Comprehensive Survey
AI-based Joint Optimization of QoS and Security for 6G Energy Harvesting Internet of Things
The data privacy and confidentiality in Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks have been one of the most concerned problems due to increasi
Use of AI-based tools for healthcare purposes: a survey study from consumers’ perspectives
Abstract Background Several studies highlight the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) systems on healthcare delivery. AI-based too
Analyzing patient health information based on IoT sensor with AI for improving patient assistanc
IoT, Sensor, AI, Patient health condition, Mobile application, MATLAB, Patient assistance, Internet of Things, Human–computer inte
Contributions and Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Building Smarter Cities: Insights fro
Sustainability, Smart city, Productivity, Land use, Good governance, Corporate governance, Context (language use), Business, Artific
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